Modular battery storage with maximum safety, life cycle, and power.
TER-STORE™ Battery Storage provides grid parallel or off-grid applications but also non critical emergency power capabilities. Their high discharge capacity allows for operation while disconnected from the electrical grid and can provide power for all your electrical needs or operate as backup for sensitive loads.
TER-STORE™ are premium lithium-iron phosphate (LFP) batteries which feature control and communication ports. Modular by design, TER-STORE™ batteries are stackable to provide more power for when you need it most, furthermore their clever modular design allows additional batteries to be connected at anytime, so you can grow your storage as your demand or requirements change. Starting at 15.4kWh for a single battery they can extend up to 983 kWh using parallel interconnection of up to 64 batteries.
TER-STORE™ will play a vital role in our sustainable energy grid due to increasing decentralised power generation and the growing penetration of electric vehicles. TER-STORE™ batteries provide the ability to store generated power on-site, delivering resilience from an unreliable grid and ensuring a continuous power supply during power outages.
TER-STORE™ batteries offer a zero-carbon power source when utilised in conjunction with renewable technologies such as wind, solar or combined heat & power units fuelled with green gas or hydrogen. Furthermore, they can store power for long periods of time and provide power back when you most need it, increasing efficiency and reducing emissions. They also allow users to address any peaks in demand or avoid grid peak charges.